I am myself

A workbook for gifted children.

Tweede druk

Ik ben mezelf (tweede druk)

Eerste druk

Ik ben mezelf, een weet- en werkboek voor hoogbegaafde kinderen

I am myself

A book for children who are gifted or just very smart and have their own way of thinking. By means of questions, assignments and facts gifted children can recognize themselves and learn what they are good at and what they can still grow in.

The content of this workbook is inspired by Tessa Kieboom’s part of being, Dabrowski’s theory of overexcitabilities and Tijl Koenderink’s seven challenges.

©2019 Klavertje Vijf, Oirschot


Content and idea:
Ilse van Hout, www.klavertje-vijf.nl

Text and editing:
Saskia Martens, www.saskiamartens.nl

Design and layout:
Maarten van den Beemt, www.maartenvandenbeemt.eu

Tekeningen (secound edition):
Bente, Charlotte, Eva, Isa, Isabel, Joep, Julius, Lara, Nathan, Olivia, Renske, Ties, Valerie.

Drawings (first edition):
Meijl, Joep, Olivia, Eva, Julius, Charlotte, Isabel, Valerie, Fabe, Floris.

Met dank aan Suzanne Buis.