Van 29 april t/m 3 mei ben ik niet aanwezig ivm vakantie

I will not be present from April 29 to May 3 due to vacation.


Here you will find all projects on my website in a handy overview. For a good impression of my work and the possibilities I can offer.
Vision for the future of education

Vision for the future of education

Effe/ Moment

Effe/ Moment





For Anne and Mick

For Anne and Mick

Illustrations for TextVast

Illustrations for TextVast

Taktila large print book

Taktila large print book

Helmond in 21 monuments

Helmond in 21 monuments

‘I was just doing my job’

‘I was just doing my job’

Healthy food snack challenge

Healthy food snack challenge

Goo foundation

Goo foundation

Studio Xplo

Studio Xplo



Music from the tower

Music from the tower

Jan Visser animal parks foundation

Jan Visser animal parks foundation

Drawn poems

Drawn poems

The Zandbos tells, Deurne and De Speelberg, Neerkant

The Zandbos tells, Deurne and De Speelberg, Neerkant

Storkje at Sectie-C during the DDW

Storkje at Sectie-C during the DDW

Mini Bieb

Mini Bieb

Art is for everyone

Art is for everyone