Jan Visser animal parks foundation

3 Zoos for the inhabitants of Helmond. Fun for the kids!
Map, Jan Visser animal parks foundation, inside
Map, Jan Visser animal parks foundation
Goat, Jan Visser Zoo Foundation
Emu, Jan Visser Zoo Foundation
Deer, Jan Visser Zoo Foundation
Bird of Paradise, Jan Visser Zoo Foundation

The 3 Zoos in different places in Helmond that Jan Visser founded years ago have been important meeting places in Helmond for more than 75 years. The parks are for young and old and are freely accessible to everyone, but mainly intended for the residents of Helmond. Because of this beautiful anniversary, I have developed an illustrated folder together with the text agency TextVast to celebrate this anniversary.

Zoo Parks Helmond

In the map various people who have a link with the parks have their say. Including the vet. The illustrations are cheerful drawings of some of the animals that live in Jan Visser Zoo.

A nice touch was the idea to make a picnic mat with the illustrated animals.

Visit the website of Zoos Helmond.