Van 29 april t/m 3 mei ben ik niet aanwezig ivm vakantie

I will not be present from April 29 to May 3 due to vacation.

Mini Bieb

Connecting residents and promoting reading.
Poster Mini Bieb for Library Dommeldal
Mini Bieb

Participate and WIN a…

The partners (Gemeente Geldrop-Mierlo, the Library Dommeldal, Taalhuis Geldrop, Taalpunt Mierlo, ROC ter Aa and the LEF group) have joined forces with the aim of connecting people in the neighborhoods of Geldrop and Mierlo and promoting reading.

Citizens of Geldrop-Mierlo had a chance to win a Mini Library by submitting an original entry together with their fellow residents. The 10 best entries have won a Mini Library.

To draw attention to this campaign, I designed and executed the above flyer and the striking poster.