Storkje at Sectie-C during the DDW

Stork the stork. Looking for the treasures of Sectie-C in Eindhoven
Stork standing upright
Stork looking into the distance
Stork in an airplane
Search card Storkje unfolded, backside
Search card Storkje unfolded
Cover Tracking card Storkje
Storkje met lamp
Stork flying

Storkje flies over Section-C

I developed this tracking map for the area of ​​Section-C. The card will be used during the Dutch Design Week (DDW) in Eindhoven and has been developed to introduce children to “the makers” (designers, artists and other creatives) at Sectie-C.

A number of Section-C treasures are depicted on the map. If the children go to those locations (the workshops of the creatives), they can find a letter. When they have found all the letters, they can make a sentence. With the correct answer, the children earn a diploma.

The lyrics are written by

Woorden Geven