Exploring in the Vossenberg, Helmond

An educational journey of discovery through the Vossenberg and Weverspoort, in Helmond.

Activity book, ‘Nosing around in the Vossenberg’

For children aged 4-7 years

The tracking card, ‘Tracking in the Vossenberg’

For children aged 8-12 years

Cover, Tracking card ‘Tracking in the Vossenberg’
Exploring in the Vossenberg, inside
Exploring in the Vossenberg, outside

Nose around the Vossenberg, Helmond

A journey of discovery through the Vossenberg and Weverspoort

This treasure hunt gives children aged 4-7 years a playful insight into the neighborhoods of the Vossenberg and Weverspoort in Helmond. With, among other things, attention to the beautiful St Joseph’s Church, the Clarissenklooster, the bathhouse and the newly laid out Weverspark. The route also ends at a beautiful mosaic in the Weverspark. Just like during the rest of the route, there are plenty of playgrounds in the Weverspark. You can pick up the books for free at VVV De Peel.

Exploring in the Vossenberg

A fun variant of the treasure hunt is available for children aged 8-12 years. This is a map with clues. If you follow the directions correctly, you will walk the entire route. The map is full of all kinds of fun facts and fun assignments.

Just like the booklet, this card can also be picked up for free at the tourist office VVV De Peel in Helmond.

How is it made

For a route like this, me and the copywriter (Saskia Martens) first explore the route. During this exploration, we discuss our ideas and look at the possibilities. Saskia then starts writing. When the writing is far enough, I see what I can do to reinforce the text. I find out what the right atmosphere is and which technique best suits our idea.

In this case I opted for a Collage of painted and torn shredded paper. This keeps the colors pure and creates illustrations that appeal to children. The illustrations are somewhat static, so the atmosphere also fits with the historical starting point of the route.