Healthy snack challenge
This booklet is part of a project to introduce children to various facets of the food industry. The children will design and make their own snack.
The texts and assignments are from Saskia Martens
Initiator: Stichting Anders Connectt
Execution: Foodstarter Helmond
Powered byr: All lights on Green
Participating schools: Carolus Borromeus College, Dr. Knippenbergcollege, Helicon MBO Helmond, Jan van Brabant College
With thanks to: Botanic Bites, Food companies Helmond, Fritz Kola, Municipality of Helmond, Green Meat Products, Jermain de Rozario, JIBB+, Pastryclub, Sligro Helmond, Trash’ure Pies, Verspillingsfabriek
Text: Saskia Martens
Design and illustrations: Maarten van den Beemt